This is what happens every year since about the sixth grade, when we take our annual summer drive down to Florida for a week, mainly,to see my Obachan (grandma), but above all else for my dad and Uncle Bob to leave us stranded for about four or five days while they go play golf at some luxurious resort. Being here also puts me in a constantly whiney and irratable mood, and this is only heightened because I have no car, I'm stuck inside all day, NO GYM, I can't run because I'm afraid of the neighborhood, and my brother is always within about ten feet from me. Shoot me now.
Car rides make me sick.
However, the most exciting on this 'vacation' thus far happened yesterday. Me, mom, and Alex went to Blue Spings which is just off the St. Jonhs River outside of Orlando. Its an all natural spring that comes up through this huge 150 foot deep crevice inthe ground. Thousands of water pump out per day, and its beautifully crystal clear. But, its also a constant seventy-two degrees. COLD! We didn't get a chance to do this, but further down the Springs in a lesser populated area where people aren't allowed to swim, they have manatee watchings. There are also these huge four or five foot fish in the water that I'm glad I didn't have goggles to witness because I probably would not have gotten in. But it was fun, and the scenary made me feel like I was in prehistoric times.
I love Spanish moss. Its everywhere here and gives everything a kind of mysterious feel. I wish I had my dream camera that would give the full appreciation of it!
I miss my dogs.I miss my gym. I miss my bed. I miss my car. I miss my friends. I miss my pool. I miss Michael. And (it sounds strange to say) but I do miss Decatur.
I suppose this is enough whining for one day.... USA vs. Ghana game later!