So school is FINALLY out for the summer. I cannot believe that we are finally seniors, and that I might only have a year left with some of my favorite people and after that possibly never see them again. I am such a people person and I don't know what I'm going to do when I can't see them everyday. This year I have gotten so close with people that I have never really spent that much time getting to know before. I've also recognized that I totally adore all of my guy friends. I haven't a clue how I'm going to cope without them in college. The thing about them is, they don't take 700 pictures of them in different poses and them post them on facebook for all to comment on how adorable they are. They don't care if you wear basketball shorts and tshirts EVERYTIME you hang out with them.And most importantly, I don't think that they are nearly as judgemental as some girls at school. Don't get me wrong, I love my girls, but its nice for a change.
It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I was sooo looking forward to this summer for various reasons. One, my longtime bestfriend is now my perfectly adorable boyfriend. Two, I'm starting this project that I really hope I can make happen. And three, I was going to have minimal summer work for school because of all my NON-ap classes I'm taking next year, and because of this I could put most of my efforts into the first two reasons. However, me being the lucky girl that I am, gets called into the guidance office the last day of school with a sceduling conflict. I was so excited when I turned in my class scheduling form because of my seemingly easy senior year. But of course there was problems with my electives and getting all the core classes I need. Who needs Honors english? But now instead of taking regular Spanish 5... now I'm in A.P. Spanish 5... which intails waaay more summer work then I originally thought. Including a whole book. In spanish.Yay.
We went to a cookout for some friends from church. They had horses. Guess where I was the entire afternoon :)
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