We are SENIORS. How did that happen? When did we get so old? I remember in the seventh grade when I met my true friends that are still there for me now. I remember how we thought we were so cool for having this little note-notebook and passing it around to eachother between classes and each writing separate entries into it for each one of us.I remember when we had code names for the boys we liked but never talked to. One of the biggest happenings at the time was when one of my best friends got asked to dance... with an actual BOY, at the eigth grade dance. It was monumental! After, all our discussions in the coming weeks centered around that. I remember when the biggest decision we had to make was whether to wear our hair straight or curly, whichever was the "in" thing at the time. Now, Its centered around trying to make a few measly points higher on some test that basically determines the rest of our lives.Its Crazy.
One of the saddest times in my life happened in the middle of my freshman year. Gaby, Emily, Jordan, Hannah, and I were all laying in Emily's drive way, taking a breather from one of our amazing weekend basketball games when Emily sits up and says she has something to tell us. She said that she and her family were moving to Atlanta, Georgia because her dad needed to move up in his line of work. Some of them started bawling immediately. I was just in shock. Emily, the best friend I had known since pre-school, the one I almost killed trying to share my pb&j sandwich, the one I went to see Mulan in theaters with, the one who gave me one of her My Little Ponies when we used to have Care Bear-watching play days, the one whom I still play Nancy Drew computer games with and scream and fall to the floor when a bad guy jumps out from behind a door on the screen... was moving hundreds of miles away. I didn't know what to say. That night, when we were all in out sleeping bags on the living room floor, after everyone else had fallen asleep, I cried, alot. I'm not that great at showing emotion infront of people, but its just how I handle things. I remember waking up early early the morning they were leaving and my parents driving me over to their house to see them off. Every night after that was terrible. I knew some friends stayed friends after one or the other moved away, but the many times they just drifted apart. I didn't want us to be like that. And now, almost three years later we are all STILL best friends. in the past couple months alone either we have gone there, or they have come here at least three or more times. Every holiday or long weekend thats the first thing that I want to do.
There used to be a framed picture in Gaby's room of her, Emily, and me all in our bathing suits with frizzy hair, me with braces, back before we knew what make-up was, arms linked, standing on her back porch by the pool. We were maybe in the seventh grade.
The halloween of eigth or ninth grade year, we decided we would dress up one last time. We were all obsessed with the Pirates of the Carribean movies at the time, so we were all fearsome, scruffy pirates.
Sleeping Bag surfing. Yes. New years 2009. It happened.
I loved Freshman year Homecoming when we all went with eachother and had the best time without dates.
One of the most memorable and most cherished nights in the Seibert driveway was when the new next door neighbor moved in. We all thought he was about the hottest thing on the planet... at least from what we could see from "accidentally" rolling the basketball over to the window of his kitchen and completely creeping on him, of course. Were we shallow, yes. Did we have fun, double yes.
Earlier this past school year, every moring for about a week, Hannah came to my first period chorus classroom before anyone else came in, and just held me while I cried, then took me to the bathroom and helped me clean up before she went to band. I don't think she knows how much that meant to me.
One Spring Break me, Gaby and Emily went up to Emily's grandfathers house and cattle farm. We all took turns riding old Sega. Emily and I, who had both taken riding lessons, had no problem leading hime around the arena. However, Gaby was severly taken advantage of, and Sega ended up going and stopping in the middle of the circle while Gaby sat on top of him yelling because she couldn't get him to move. It was quite comical.
Tonight Michael took me to see Charlie St. Cloud. I knew I would have a hard time with this movie, but still very much wanted to go see it. This is in part due to the fact that, even if no one believes me, I have had for a long time had horrible visions of my self dying in car crashes. Charlies brother in the movie dies in one while his old brother is driving,who knows. And the also because ... Its kills me to see guys cry. I can't handle it. I just take movies, or the emotions drawn from them, too seriously.
After the movie, he could tell something was bothering me, so he just held my hand and drove around a while. Its been building for a while. I just can't believe we are Seniors. Some of these people, people that I am close too and that I have talked to about things that I have shared with nobody else, I may never see again after this year. It tears me apart that Me, Gaby, Hannah, Emily, and Jordan might all be going to different colleges. I have recently been hanging out with a great bunch of new girls that I don't know how I will do without either. I know I shouldn't worry, and that God puts people in and takes people out of your life for a reason, and that anyone that is meant to stay a part of it will, but I worry about this almost constantly. This is going to be a hard year emotionally, I can already tell, and I'm so scared.