Last week I babysat for the Benders. They are the owner of my gym and have SEVEN kids. I love them all and they are some of The cutest kids I have ever seen. I really only had to entertain about four of them because Amanda keeps the youngest with her and the others are a little older.
The days were LONG. As soon as I walked in the door Abby and Olivia were both holding up their arms saying "Up-ie."
Isabelle is the older of the four I was really watching. She seems so much older than my brother who is about to be a freshman and she is only going into the fifth grade.
Collin is in second grade I think. Hes a very good boy... except when he is around Olivia, then every little ridiculous thing becomes a competition.
Olivia is five. She has beautiful brown hair and can give you looks that could kill. Shes a drama queen, but I love her. I have an adorable video of her singing 'You Belong with Me' by Taylor Swift.
Abby is two. I know I'm not supposed to pick favorites but... she makes me laugh so hard. All the boys will be after her about 15 years from now.
To keep them from sitting infront of the tv or computer all day, Amanda bought them a slip n' slide, which sounded like a good idea at the time. However it was broken within the first hour and we had to just spray the plastic down with the hose. Oh the hose... This soon turned into a dangerous swinging object with a metal nob on the end that Collin and Olivia BOTH wanted control of at all times. All the while, Collin would put water in his mouth and spit it on Olivia and she would start bawling. IT was great.
Polly Pockets play was another stressful, scream-fest. You would thing for a family of seven sharing would not be such an issue.
While all of this was taking place. Abby would either be off in her own little world playing by herself in the yard, sleeping in my lap, holding onto my leg, or playing with her own dolls by herself.
The morning before my last day with them. I went to the gas station and got 4 Hershey's bars. Two of which I was going to divide up betweent Collin, Olivia, and Abbey, and give a whole one to Isabelle and Emily, the two oldest girls, for helping me out. As the day wore on, they were doing fine-ish, until I mentioned that I would be leaving shortly. Then, all three of them started pulling me in separate directions to try and start a new game or otherwise divert my attention from leaving. Abbey, who usually NEVER acts out, was flinging hardbacked picture books across the room. I warned her sever times and when she wouldn't stop, I sat her down and told her she was not getting the surprise I had tempted them into being good with all day. So I had them all wait in the living room while I broke up the chocolate and out them all on separate plates, so that there would be zero question on if one got more than the other. While I was doing this, Abbey walks into the kitchen, head down, cheeks red, and tears streaming down her cheeks. She hugged my leg and looked up at me and said, "I'm sowy." Being as adorable as she is... of course she got her chocolate.
I came home and slept for at least 3 hours everyday.
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