Yesterday Ambassadors that are in Mrs. Dixon's class went to their assigned schools for the first time. Gaby, Hunter, Jordyn, and I all went to Julian Harris and were assigned our teachers and classes. At first, I was kinda bummed because I didn't get one of the younger age groups, and instead got a fifth and a fourth grade teacher to split the time with.
The first part of the time I was there I went to Mrs. Singh's class. I wasn't really sure if I would be working around the classroom or with a few individual kids at a time, or what. But She introduced me to a little girl named Rina. She was new, adorable, Japanese, and spoke absolutely NO english what so ever. Mrs. Sing said that she did not know how much if any english she spoke, and that I should just work with her on the alphabet, and simple words, and phrases and stuff like that. So me and Rina (did I mention she is adorable?) went out to the common area. I felt so bad because I would try to talk and ask her questions to where she could understand me, but She hadn't the slightest idea of what I was saying. She just smiled at me apologetically when she didn't know what I was saying... which was basically the whole time.
Next time I go, I might take a game or something to try and get her to not be scared of me.
Michael says I have a problem with ethnic children and that he would not be the least bit surprised if one just happened to end up in my car one day.
Whenever I grow up I AM adopting from a foreign country... or two.
We had life group sign ups this past Wednesday at church. I was supposed to lead one for 8th-12th grade girls that talked about problems highschool girls face today, and staying pure, and nonconformity, stuff like that. I was excited...
No one signed up.
I think I might fail pre-cal. Its consuming my evenings.
i want to sign up for your life group lets make one