Friday, December 31, 2010

I hate giving these titles because I never know what to put...

So we got a letter a few days ago about scholarship offers from Mississippi State. Because of my ACT score, and my incapability to make a decent one, they aren't going to offer me as much as we'd hoped or really needed them to. I know my dad, and if I begged and pleaded I know he would do his best to get me there for my freshman year, even if it meant him going broke.

Ever since our visit to MSU earlier this month, I've been thinking. I LOVED the school. I love everything about it. But maybe I'm just not really ready to go off yet. As much as I complain about my family, I do love them.

I don't like change. And, I actually LIKE Decatur. But most of all I don't want to be the sole reason why my Dad has to work past his retirement, even though I know he will anyways.

So, the verdict is, I'll be going to Calhoun in the fall. And for the first time, when I think about college, I'm actually kind of excited. And I know thats weird.

I can live at home, and still work to save up for when I go off next year or the year after.
Calhoun has a pre-vet program, which is pretty much just the basics that you will get anywhere. And after maybe I'll have saved enough to make it t Auburn to finish up, and graduate school, assuming my plans and majors haven't changed by then.

What I'm most nervous about is telling people. I know I shouldn't be embarassed, and I'm not, I just feel, and know, that people are going to look down on me for my decision. And I'm not looking forward to being in a room full of my senior friends and people asking us where we are going... "Auburn, Samford, Alabama, UAB, .... Calhoun. "
Alot times, especially with the people I am friends with, they just don't understand the concept that not everyone can pay for four or more years of steadily rising tuition fees and books and room and food. And I also know that people will be thinking in their heads that I'm taking the 'easy way out.'

I'm excited and scared. UGH.

I GOT JUST DANCE 2 for the wii. Might have been my smartest purchase ever. Especially seeing a room full of guys play...hehe.

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