Friday, April 29, 2011
How it should be
I felt like I was ten again when my parents used to have to tell me to come inside, or when they had to remind me to eat because I was having to much fun doing other things.
Yesterday we rode bikes, played outside, and played baseball for FOREVER. Then when we came home, after dinner, Jacob and I went and found wood to make a camp fire, and we roasted marshmallows, him and my brother played the guitar and ukalealee, my dad made homemade popcorn on the camp stove, had neighbors come, and we just sang and talked (I realize that was the MOST poorly written sentence ever. Ms. Stroh would disapprove.). I loved it. I love my friends. They are the best ones on the face of the planet.
This blog is the only thing I would really miss without electricity.
P.S. I just watched Harry Potter with 3 of the funniest guys ever.
I love goofy people. I can be myself around them
Monday, April 18, 2011
'Art and Love'
Shang ya!
I want to be your friend
For ever and ever without break or decay.
When the hills are all flat
And the rivers are all dry,
When it lightens and thunders in the winter,
When it rains and snows in the summer,
When Heaven and Earth mingle-
Not till then will I part from you.
~ANONYMOUS, China 1st Century B.C.
Guido, I wish that you Lapo and I
Were carried off by magic
And put in a boat, which, every time there was a wind,
Would sail on the ocean exactly where we wanted.
In this way storms and other dangerous weather
Wouldn't be able to harm us-
And I wish that, since we all were of one mind,
We would want more and more to be together.
And I wish that Vanna and Lagia too
And the girl whose name on the list is number
thirty (hehe)
Were put in the boat by the magician too
And that we all did nothing but talk about love
And I wish that they were just as glad to be there
As I belive the three of us would be.
~Dante Alighieri (favorite)
For The Moment
Life is simple and gay
The bright sun rings with a quiet sound
The sound of the bells has quiteed down
This morning the light hits it all
The footlights of my head are lit again
And the room I live in is finally bright
Just one beam is enough
Just one burst of laughter
My joy that shakes the house
Restrains those wanting to die
By the notes of its song
I sing off-key
Ah it's funy
My mouth open to every breeze
Spews mad notes everywhere
That emerge I don't know how
To fly toward other ears
Listen I'm not crazy
I laugh at the bottom of the stairs
Before the wide-open door
In the sunlight scattered
On the wall among green vines
And my arms are held out toward you
It's today I love you
~Pierre Reverdy
The only thing I bought in North Carolina was a book from this little hole in the wall collectors' bookstore in Black Mountain: 'ART & LOVE The Metropolitan Museum of Art , An Illustrated Anthology of Love Poetry.' I am happy
Friday, April 15, 2011
My Future Home
My family and Michael made fun of me the whole trip, especially on our trail ride because everytime I saw a big green hill with some type of farm animal on it I said "Look! Look! Its so pretty! Look at the horses!" I WILL have my farm with my own pretty green hills someday.
It was a very short trip, but it was wonderful. Even though my family, especially my brother annoys the crap out of me sometimes, they really are about the best group of people you could ask for.
We have this game that we have played ever since we were little called FARKLE. Yeah, its weird, but my dad bought it so we could pass the time at the cabins if it rained. My dad is the Farkle King, and he lets everybody know it. He gloats like the best of them. Its histerical. After he wins, he always sings that 'I am the Champion' song in a really obnoxious high pitched voice. But its great. I'm pretty sure he laughed more on this trip than I have ever heard him laugh before. He's goofy.