Friday, April 1, 2011


Boys are weird. All of them. They all might be weird in different ways, but they are still strange and foreign. However there are two guys inparticular that have stayed by me and acted the same through our whole relationship. I like constanticity (the state of things staying constant.(Yes its a made up word)). William Cook and Jacob Johnson. I love them both to death.

William, I guess I really started getting to know in my freshman history class, and I've had him in at least one class every year since. He will still be half way down the hallway, and I be walking the opposite direction, and him holler 'Hey Girl!' and I turn around and roll my eyes at him because I know exactly who he is talking too. He still wipes the sweat from his cold water bottle on my face first thing in the morning when I'm not awake yet. He gives good hugs. He always asks me whats wrong if I seem down. He totally did illegal things to documents concerning our budget project, and basically got me through that whole project, because I probably would not have finished without him. He flips my bangs opposite my part because it annoys me. We can be totally awkward around eachother, and it not really be awkward. Almost every day, he always asks me, 'is thats my brother's shirt?', or 'where did you buy that from, the mens' department?' He's like the big brother I never had, and I love him for it.

Jacob, has lived down the street from me for about six years, and I really haven't met him, met him until probably the end of junior year. We have been in library aid together all of this year, and he's always in chamber choir with me. I have never met someone who is more of a gentleman than him. He always opens the doors for people and is just genuinely nice, which is rare nowadays. Being in Austin Idol together was probably the funnest thing ever. He is just great, and polite to everyone. His only fault is his liking of the combination of peanut butter and maple syrup... it just sounds gross. For having such a low voice, he does the highest pitch sound thing at the end of his laughs, which always makes me laugh... and then he tells me to shut up. We seem to share food alot; his dad made us a cheesecake, I took them candy from Morgan price, He brought my this oreo white chocolate brittle stuff, I made him birthday cookies. I like having a somewhat neighbor. I also appreciate him for not judging me for the things I have opened up to him about. He is wonderful.

However, when Jacob and William are together, they both become real boys and bring out the perverted jokes and all the other stuff boys talk about. They think they are the funniest things ever. But I still love them.

All of this was brought on by Mary Beth, Lynn, and I going to see our production of Big River, which both were in and were amazing. Both of them are also going to be in the WWII production thing that we are putting on at the Princess. I can't wait.

Also, I feel I can write about them here because theres almost no chance that they ever will read it.

What will I do without them in College?

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