Wednesday, June 1, 2011


this is something I have had absolutely ZERO of for the past couple weeks. I'm almost never hungry, I never do anything truely productive, and I have even been too lazy to sit down and write, even though I know it will make me feel better. I'm kind of down in the dumps.
You know what hurts more than being lied to? Telling someone something over and over again, and pouring yourself out to them, and they don't believe you. What do you do in that sitation?
Also, I really REALLY want to take some type of partner fancy dancing class. I need a hobby.
Me and Becca made peach cobbler tonight. I'm so glad for my new friend.
Have you ever wanted something so bad that it hurt? There is nothing I can do about it... probably the reason for my no motivation mode.
I want to read.
Kid Cudi knows my life.
HERE is where I post something happy.
All Jacob, Ketan, Becca, and I have done for the past week is hang out, play dorky board games, and swim. ALOT.
A couple nights ago 3 of us (minus the Indian) were sitting on beccas floor playing
uno, nines, and scrabble, at midnight. (Is JETI a word?) After midnight EVERYTHING is histerical. After playing scrabble, we were sitting in momentary silence when Becca says, "Have you ever been to!" So... guess what we did for the next half an hour. Yes. Its real. Jacob farted all night.
Tonight, me and Becca played Guess Who and Hang-Man for uite a while. Then we made homemade peach cobbler, then we went to swim at Ketans. Ilove that kid. Both Becca and I are marrying him so that he will tech us his other 4 languages he is fluent in, especially Hindi.
That is an extrememly scattered post. Good Luck.
No plan = My life
My friends will not be here 2 months from now.

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