Thursday, August 18, 2011

The First

Today I got to go on my FIRST REAL CALL.
Me and Anna were out in the bay doing something and i heard the tones go off. At first I thought it was a joke because they had been setting them off to see which new people would jump up and run. But when I looked inside everyone was grabbing their gear and heading for the truck.

I was so fired up , that I didn't even put my socks on (bad idea). It turned out to be a grass fire that had started when a guy's tractor caught some of the hay on fire which caught to some of the bales and other hay that had been cut. When we rolled up to the field, I can't even describe my excitement. It was like working out, olives, peanut butter, chacos, Shakespeare, and everything else that makes me happy, all rolled into one.
At first, we used these tools called flappers to get the small flames and smoldering grass, then the chief asked me if I wanted to be on the hose. You never have to ask me twice! I have gotten a little better than the first time I got to use it in standing so that the power of the water doesn't throw me backwards.

I loved everything about it; the fast pace and that initial little jump in your stomach when you hear the tones, running to the truck, the sirens, the anticipation right before you arrive on scene, just EVERYTHING! I've never felt another feeling like that in the world. I know that it will be even more gratifying when putting out a fire or getting someone out of a vehicle will directly save someone's life. I can not wait for that.

Also, I think I am going to get to go to Alabama Fire College at the beginning of October. Best Birthday present EVER!

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