Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I needed tonight more than I think I ever needed something in my entire life. I am so grateful for the college ministry that I have come to consider myself a part of.

At the college service, Brandon spoke on purity. He also spoke on this same subject last week, but in a different sense. Yes, tonight was about abstaining from sex before marriage and how, even if you have made mistakes in the past how God can make all things new, including you. And that is awesome. But before he spoke, they played an amazing video. It started off with a girl and a guy sitting in chairs facing each other. You could tell they were more than friends by the way they looked at one another and touched each others arms and faces. Then the boy took a big piece of duct tape and put it over the girls mouth and wrote LOVE on it. A minute later he shook off the girl's unwanted caresses and ripped the tape off of her mouth. Then, different guys started to sit in the chair across from the same girl. Every time a new boy would come, she would hand them the original piece of tape and they would put it over her mouth and then eventually rip it off until it would not stick anymore.
The piece of tape represented purity and how once you continually give yourself away, not only sexually, but emotionally, you start to wear down and become less "sticky." I loved this video, and I think all girls and guys our age should watch it.

Tonight changed the way I have been thinking about things in my life that have recently taken place. I have been in a bad place this last week. If I was truly honest with myself, I have been in a bad place for a long time. It was said tonight how so often now a days we date before we know somebody. When you say it out loud it sounds kind of crazy, but that's what we do, we decide to enter into relationships with people before we KNOW them. One of the things that hit me tonight was when he said, "What if we took a year to get to know someone. Be their friend, know their hearts and their intentions, find out where they stand with God and where they are going. What if we did that before we even thought about going any further than friendship?" Sometimes God puts people in our lives to help us learn things, not to necessarily be with them forever or in that intimate type of relationship.

I love to help people. I am going to school to get my degree in helping people. I don't want to do anything else. But, I think that has been to my disadvantage when it has come to my past relationships. The major thing I finally realized tonight was, you don't have to date someone to love them. You don't have to date someone to help them or pray for them or want whats best for them. You don't have to date someone to help them with their personal God walks. You don't have to date someone to be their for them.
That is where my view has been wrong.

right now,
I am going to try dating God for a bit.
Let myself work off of His time instead of trying to make my time His time.
I want to fall in love with God.

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? 2Corinthians 6:14

I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the does of the field, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases. Song of Solomon 3:5

I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to please the Lord. 1Corinthians 7:32

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