Sometimes I get in these moods. Not really moods I guess, more like states. I wouldn't call them 'woe-is-me' states, more like 'I-wish-things-didn't-change-and-I'm-having-a-hard-time-letting-go' states. Then, yesterday actually, I realized I was dumb. And yes, sometimes you wish certain things were different, but that sure doesn't change what they are now. And that that's okay, and that God has a plan, and that you really should NOT undermine Him. He,a matter of fact, DOES know what he's doing, whether you do or not. And maybe, all the time you spend thinking on stuff you miss, you may be missing out on bigger and better opportunities that He has laid out there for you. So, that's where I am at. Appreciating what I do have, an
d what I do not.
I have a fantastic church, a loving family, the best friends I could ever ask for, a boyfriend that cares about me a lot, a good job, and a fabulous bunch of big brothers that want nothing more than to help me get to where I am going.
Life is good. Its about time I suck it up and appreciate it.

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