Sometimes people are dumb. Sometimes they are mean and hurtful and just terrible. They tell you things and make you promises that they never intended to keep. They hurt your feelings and make you feel worthless and like you were never and never will be good enough and if you could just change that one thing then maybe you would be okay.
A lot of times I don't like people.
And then, I see my friends. And I remember how thankful I should be for what I do have, despite what I don't. I love them. I LOVE them.
Here's what I am thankful for since Thanksgiving will soon be here:
I am thankful for my church. Epic has been the best thing that has happened to me since I entered my teenage years. I got baptized there, I have fantastic lifetime friends, I am in a lifegroup with people that would do anything for me if I needed them to, I get to receive the word of God and just other general life wisdom from one of the best men on the planet, and I get to witness miraculous and amazing things that our church does through out reach projects.
I am thankful for my friends. I could not ever express in words what deep love and gratitude I have for them. I honestly do not know if I would be there if it were not for these wonderful people I have in my life. I am so grateful for all of them, but especially the few that have been there and stuck by me through the hard stuff; Jacob, Becca, Mary Beth, Cole, William, Emily, Hannah, and Gaby. First of all, some of them put up with me from the beginning with my huge hair and braces and general disgustingness, which is more than I can say for a lot of people. They kept me sane through high school when I thought for certain that I was losing it. We have done some of the DUMBEST things together, but above all we still always managed to have fun without any of the drugs or drinking that so many other groups of people at this age 'have' to have to have a good time.
They have been there for me through all the break-ups and relationship problems, then they heard me talk and rant and blubber for countless hours about those things. Bless them.
Sometimes we have our moments when we sort of fight, but then we realize how stupid we are and that we have to have eachother. And that's how I know that they are here always and they are supposed to be.
I know we have only been in school one semester, but these are the ones that I still talk to if not on a daily, then at least a weekly basis and who, when they come home, we still make the effort to see eachother and pick up right where we left off.
They are the ones who get me out of bed and drag me to work with them just so I won't stay in my bed and mope after I had something rough happen.
They are the ones who I can lay in my driveway with until 2 a.m. and talk about farting and take walks with and who I can laugh with until my stomach hurts.
I am eternally grateful and thankful for every single one of them. They will never know how much of a major part they play in my life everyday. I love, and hope they know that I would do ANYTHING for them, just like they have always done for me.
I am thankful for my family who love and live with me despite, well, me.
I am thankful for Mud Tavern Volunteer Fire Department. With them I know what I want to do with my life, and I am proud of it. I have gained at least 10 brothers that are some of the most awesome teachers and the goofiest best guys I know. I love them so much. I would be at the station every moment if life didn't get in the way so much. I love being a part of something that is so much bigger than myself and that I get to help people. They are simply the best.
I am thankful for my dogs.
I am thankful for my boyfriend who I can constantly be silly with and who I am so comfortable around.
I am thankful for singing and music.
I am thankful for books and literature.
There are so many other things, but these are just a few. I love Thanksgiving. I am also extremely excited that all of the upcoming holidays will bring my friends home
I love you