Thursday, May 26, 2011

You know what

You know what I don't like? Double standards. If you're not going to hold yourself to the same criteria and expectations, then why ask someone else to.
You know what I love? MY CAMERA... and my editing program that my lovely friend, Mary Beth, so graciously installed for me. More hours wasted.
You know what I am not good at? Talking. Expressing, Showing, And trying to make people understand.
You know what I AM good at? Listening, and being a friend. Thats about it, but I figure it counts for something.
You know one thing that grates on my nerves? Lately there has been sooo much of this on facebook and it makes me sick. Girls post on their statuses:
Message me:
1- if you think I am hot
2- if you think I am sweet
3- if you think I am ugly
4- if you want to chill
5- smash
Its gross. And guys will post similar things asking girls to message them numbers so they can answer questions anonymously on their statuses. Its sad because you know there are girls out there who actually take what these guys into accout when they think about their self worth. Girls, I guarantee these guess aren't judging you by your personality or your heart. Its so not worth it.

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